To Our Valued Customers,
I wanted to personally provide our customers and wider stakeholders some information regarding the Australian Bushfires. Australia has faced numerous bushfires across parts of the country this summer, leaving many of you to wonder if it’s even safe to continue with your tour plans – I hope to set your mind at ease!
Whilst the fires have been a tragic matter for the country, the affected area from the bushfires are quite isolated. Around 10 million hectares have been affected by the fires. I know this sounds like a ridiculously large area, but Australia is a large, rugged and mostly unpopulated country. The fire affected areas represent a very small percentage of the country. Bushfires are a natural and crucial part of Australia’s complex environment and have been for thousands of years. Much of the country’s bushland has been shaped by bushfires at some point. Australia has more than 400 species of plants that even require fires to complete their life cycles, regenerating from either seeds or shoots that are dependent on fire or smoke to germinate. Although this season’s bushfires have been particularly harsh, it is not a surprising incident. There is an average of 54,000 fires in Australia every year, leading to the country developing a complex range of fire management practices that help us predict and control bushfires in order to best protect lives, infrastructure, and travel.
All our tours are currently unaffected by the bushfires and are continuing to run as planned. Although some regions we travel to have been affected recently, we are still able to provide all of our customers with the opportunity to see all of Australia’s best attractions. Smoke from the bushfires has caused a hazy outlook in some areas from time to time. This is intermittent and is completely dependent on the direction of the wind.
Two of our major tourist destinations which have faced fires are the Blue Mountains and Kangaroo Island. Businesses small and large in both regions have been crippled by these bushfires, with major declines in visitor numbers during their usual peak period. Although larger businesses can absorb these losses, small family businesses are the hardest hit. It’s these businesses that are owned by locals with great knowledge and passion for the regions they work and live. We, and many other tourism companies, are coming together to support these communities, encouraging you all to still visit these areas and to see all the natural wonders and tourist attractions within. I have resisted the urge to ask for you all to donate to the bushfire cause but instead ask for you to support these suffering communities with your visitation. What you will find, is not only has most of the fantastic Aussie bush remained untouched by the fires, but the areas that have been affected, have already started to regenerate. Green shoots are starting to spring from the robust eucalypt trees and the circle of life of the Australian Bush begins again.
We hope you help us in supporting the Australian community and continue travelling to our marvellous sights throughout the country!
Kind regards,
Cameron Ward
Managing Director