The Three Sisters are giant sandstones and are the most popular attraction in the Blue Mountains.

The Three Sisters are three unusual rock formations in the north of Jamison Valley. It’s worth making a trip down to the Three Sisters and seeing the iconic sandstones at least once!

The Three Sisters Dreaming story

The Three Sisters is connected to an Aboriginal Dreaming story that starts with three Gundungurra sisters named Meehni, Wimlah, and Gunnedoo. The sisters were in love with three Dharruk brothers, but marriage wasn’t allowed by tribal law.

A tribal war started as the brothers had decided to take the sisters. Because of the war, it caused the Kuradjuri who was a clever Gundungurra man to turn the sisters into stone. He had planned to restore them when it was safe to do so, but he was killed in the battle, and no one could break the spell.

Each Dreaming story can be slightly different as there are many versions.

Best place to see the Three Sisters

Everyone wants to get a good look at the Three Sisters and discover some of the best spots to view.

  • Echo Point lookout

    Easily the best place to view the Three Sisters. Echo Point lookout is in Katoomba and is near the Visitor Information Centre. You can view the Three Sisters middle of the day, but nothing quite beats viewing the sandstones at sunrise and sunset for a dramatic look.

  • Scenic Cableway

    Scenic Cableway is a ride at Scenic World and is one of the rides where you can see the Three Sisters.

  • Scenic Skyway

    Like Scenic Cableway, Scenic Skyway is a ride at Scenic World. The Skyway glides between two cliff tops and is a great way to see the Three Sisters.

Can I get close to the Three Sisters?

Yes! There is a walking track where you can get close to the first sister. The Three Sisters walk not only takes you up close to the rock formations, but you get iconic views of the Blue Mountains.

What can I do nearby?

  • Scenic World

    Scenic World has some of the best experiences in the Blue Mountains. Scenic World offers three thrilling rides, one being the world’s steepest passenger railway! You can also go on the steepest Southern Hemisphere cable car and the Scenic Skyway. As you go down into Jamison Valley, there’s a short Scenic Walkway that has plants from the Jurassic Period.

  • Lookout points

    There are heaps of different lookout points near the Three Sisters. Aside from Echo Point, you can go to Narrow Neck Lookout, Eagle Hawk Lookout, and Landslide Lookout.

  • Walking tracks

    Nearby the Three Sisters have a good selection of walking tracks nearby. From short walks to long walking tracks, there is something suitable for everyone. Popular walking tracks include the Narrow Neck Trail, the Round walking track, and the Giant Stairway which has 1000 steps!

Three Sisters Map